MATE 203

 Thermodynamics of Materials I


Course Syllabus






·         (16.01.2012) Your Final Exam scores.

·         (16.01.2012) The make-up examination will be on thursday, January 19th, 2012 at 10:00 am.

·         (02.01.2012) About the final exam.

·         (30.12.2011) Summary of your scores. Please note that the attendance scores are normalized to one hundred.

·         (03.12.2011) About Midterm II.

·         (02.12.2011) Here is your third homeworkIt is due December 7th, 2011

·         (25.11.2011) There is no MATE 203 lecture on November 30th, 2011.

·         (05.11.2011) Your Midterm I scores.

·         (26.10.2011) About Midterm I.

·         (25.10.2011) Here is your second homework. It is due November 2nd, 2011.

·         (20.10.2011) Tomorrow's lecture will start at 15:30 or right after the visit to Anıtkabir, whichever is later.

·         (06.10.2011) Here is your first homework. It is due October 19th, 2011.

·         (06.10.2011) MATE 203 first midterm will be on November 4th and second midterm will be on December 9th, 2011 at lecture time & place.


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